PAMSA – Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa

PAMSA – Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa Established in 1992, PAMSA is the industry association that represents more than 90% of pulp, paper, board and tissue manufacturers in South Africa. Originally founded to serve the industry’s education and training needs, its action areas today span education and training, environmental stewardship, research and development and advocacy. PAMSA […]

SAFAS – Sustainable African Forest Assurance Scheme

SAFAS – Sustainable African Forest Assurance Scheme SAFAS is a not-for-profit organisation with the goal to provide support for sustainable, responsible wood production for all scales of producers. Our strength lies in our collaboration between private and government  organisations that are concerned with sustainable forestry and land use. In developing our standards and policies we worked […]

SAWPA – South African Wood Preservers Association

South African Wood Preservers Association (SAWPA) We are a non-profit association formed in 1980 by the South African preservative treated timber industry.  Our objectives are defined as the promotion of the preservative treatment of timber and the use of preservative treated timber products; the establishment of SAWPA as a centre for consumer information and technical […]

SAFCA – South African Forestry Contractors Association

SAFCA Functions and Member Service Association: An Association of members associate for some common reason. Contractors are in competition with each other however, there are also aspects such as legal, insurance, labour, political (statutory) and training & development aspects where they do have a common interest that can be addressed through an association (Group Representation). […]

Sawmilling South Africa

Sawmilling South Africa Sawmilling South Africa (SSA) is an industry association representing around 50 sawmilling companies. Collectively, association members employ about 12,000 people, predominantly in the rural areas of South Africa. SSA aims to promote the interests of all sawmillers in South Africa and promote its sustainable growth, development and well being. It also promotes […]

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) “FSC takes care of the world’s forests for future generations.” As the original pioneers of forest certification, the Forest Stewardship CouncilTM (FSCTM) has over 25 years of experience in setting the gold standard for responsible  forest management. The FSC has a long history (23 years) of continued support in South Africa,  from […]

Forestry South Africa (FSA)

Directory Listing

Forestry South Africa This is a classic listing – all this information is purely for SEO purposes. For more information visit our website BUSINESS DIRECTORY Associations and Organisations;