Report Back on AgriSA Land Meeting

Forestry South Africa

Mr Mike Peter attended the AgriSA Land Meeting held on the 13th March on behalf of FSA. The meeting was convened to specifically to deal with the highly-politicised and somewhat concerning media coverage of the Parliamentary motion on possible amendments to the Constitution. From Mr Peter’s report, it would appear that there is “light at […]

Reminder to attend NFRF plenary session

Forestry South Africa

Dear all associates in the Intensive, Nursery and Forestry groupings, and apologies for any cross-postings Please see below and attached details of an invitation to attend the First National Forestry Research Forum Plenary Meeting, chaired by Prof Colin Dyer. The event to be hosted at Cedara College of Agriculture CCCC by DAFF, on Friday, 23 […]

International Day of Forests – Celebrate forests. Celebrate the things that come from them

International Day of Forests - Celebrate forests. Celebrate the things that come from them

March 21 marks the International Day of Forests with 2018 focusing on Forests and Sustainable Cities. Trees in urban areas, natural forests and plantations, store carbon and release oxygen which helps mitigate the impacts of climate change. They also filter and regulate water, protect wetlands and watersheds, and prevent floods by storing water in their branches, roots and […]