International Associations
FAO Global Forest Resources Assessments (FRA)
FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) provides essential information for understanding the extent of forest resources, their condition, management and uses.
The latest of these assessments, FRA 2020, examines the status of, and trends in, more than 60 forest-related variables in 236 countries and territories in the period 1990–2020. FRA 2020 data were collected using commonly agreed terms and definitions through a transparent, traceable reporting process and a well-established network of officially nominated national correspondents that covers 187 countries and territories. More than 700 people were directly involved in this process.
- Headquarters
- +39 06 57051
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) - Living Forest Report
WWF’s Living Forests Report is part of an ongoing conversation with partners, policymakers, and businesses about how to protect, conserve, sustainably use, and govern the world’s forests in the 21st century.Â
Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Forestry
Through its Forestry Programme, FAO seeks to have transformational impacts that benefit forests and forest-dependent people and help achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. FAO’s approach balances economic, social and environmental objectives to enable the present generation to benefit from the Earth’s forest resources while conserving those resources to meet the needs of future generations. The Forestry Programme oversees more than 230 projects in 82 countries, with a total available project budget of USD 246 million (as of 2019). FAO is guided in its technical forestry work by the Committee on Forestry (COFO) and six regional forestry commissions.
- +39 06 57051
International Council of Forest & Paper Associations (ICFPA)
ICFPA supports dialogue across regional and national forest products associations from 28 countries around the world and promotes global commitments to sustainable forest management, recycling, innovation, water conservation, mitigating climate change, ensuring a safe and inclusive workplace, and optimizing the use of environmentally-friendly wood and paper-based products.
The Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO)
IUFRO is a non-profit, non-governmental international network of forest scientists, which promotes global cooperation in forest-related research and enhances the understanding of the ecological, economic and social aspects of forests and trees. IUFRO is “the” global network for forest science cooperation. It unites more than 15,000 scientists in around 650 Member Organizations in over 125 countries, and is a member of the International Science Council. Scientists cooperate in IUFRO on a voluntary basis
- Headquarters
- +43 1 877 0151
American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA)
AF&PA represent those who make the essential paper and wood products Americans use every day. We advocate for a strong and sustainable U.S. paper and wood products industry. Â