Code of Good Practice for Managing AIS in the South African Forestry Industry
The spread of Alien Invasive Species (AIS) is of worldwide concern. In South Africa, it is claimed that these introduced plant species are causing millions of rands of damage to the economy every year and are the biggest threat to the country’s biodiversity. Few countries have attempted to control or eradicate them more in than South Africa.
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Environmental Guidelines for Commercial Forestry Plantations in South Africa
Since the first edition of the “Guidelines for Environmental Conservation Management in Commercial Forests in South Africa” was published in February 1995, it has been revised and reprinted several times. The popularity of, and the demand for, the first edition far exceeded the original expectations of the South African Forestry Industry.
The third edition includes a new chapter (Chapter 11) on Climate Change, Green House Gas Emissions and Carbon Tax while Chapter 5 Damage-causing Animals includes a new section 5.1.2 International Consensus Principles for Ethical Wildlife Control
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