Please find below for your information the abovementioned report together with supporting Annexures.
FSA will be making its own submission on EWC to the Constitutional Review Committee.
It was reported yesterday at FSA’s Executive Committee meeting that the CRC has already received over 140 000 submissions but that despite this, individual FSA members also encouraged to make their own submissions on this critically important issue. Should members be willing to do so, I have also attached a guideline received from Agri SA thereon which will assist members in compiling their own submission.
It was further noted that the extension for deadlines has been extended from 31 May to 15 June.
Members will be informed of developments in this regard.
- Annexure A Holistiese-grondplan
- Annexure B Barclays Agriculture Workstream_Consolidated Report vFINAL DRAFT 5.0 27.09.2016
- Annexure C Agri SA 2017 Transformation Report_V6
- Annexure D HSRC analysis of DRDLR budget 2016
- Annexure E Methodology land audit
- Agri SA submission expropriation without compensation version 15
- EWC Comments Guidelines
Roger Godsmark
Operations Director
Forestry South Africa
Tel: +27 33 346 0344
Fax: +27 33 346 0399
Source: Forestry South Africa