Please below for your information a PowerPoint presentation which shows a detailed analysis of the volumes of timber upon which FSA generated levy income during the 2017 Financial Year (January to December 2017).
The most important points to note are as follows:
- Total tonnage of 15 092 000t was down 608 000t (-3.9%) on budget of 15.7mt and 269 000t (-1.7%) down on 2016. This was the third consecutive year that volumes declined.
- Sales by species in 2017 compared to those in 2016 were:
- Softwood sales of 5.9mt were down 126 000 tons (-2.1%)
- Eucalyptus sales of 7.7mt were down 31 000 tons (-0.4%)
- Wattle sales of 1.5mt were down 111 000 tons (-6.7%)
- Sales by product in 2017 compared to those in 2016 were:
- Sawlog sales of 4.4mt were down 318 000 tons (-6.8%)
- Pulpwood sales of 10.0mt were up 169 000 tons (+1.7%)
- Other sales of 0.7mt were down 120 000 tons (-15.3%)
- Income of R35.5m was up R1 8765 000 (+5.6%) on the budgeted amount of R33 598 000 as a direct result of levy increase mid-year from R2.14 / ton to R2.50 / ton. Without this increase, FSA would have become insolvent in 3rd quarter of the year.
FSA would like to thank all members for their continued support of the Association during 2017.