Wood treatment processing plants across Africa can increase their efficiency – and turnover – by 30% or more, by implementing a cost-effective modification.
In much of Africa, where the industry is still relatively new, most plants run dry vacuum processes, which generally take longer than the alternative. A key modification, widely adopted by our customers, makes the treatment process quicker and more efficient.
“At plants in Africa, pole treatment processes generally take about three hours. We can cut that down to two hours or – in the case of sawn timber – even less,” says Dolphin Bay’s Darren Marillier.
Our customers have seen the benefits of the improvements, which have had a direct impact on their bottom line. Increased production has reduced their overhead and capital costs.
In the dry vacuum treatment process, all the air is removed from the chamber before it is removed from the wood cells. The process takes about half an hour. It enables the timber cells to receive preservatives.
In the wet vacuum process, the cylinder is first filled up to 90% with the working solution. With only 10% remaining, a shorter vacuum can be drawn. The process takes as little as 10 minutes and is adequate to prepare the timber for the final fill and pressure cycle.
This results in a potential 30% increase in efficiency, and a 30% increase in turnover, if the plant has the capacity. Often, it can be done for minimal cost.
Dolphin Bay believes that most treatment plants in Africa can benefit from these improvements. If you are considering a second treatment plant in order to increase your turnover, you might find this unnecessary if you implement the modifications.
Dolphin Bay offers a site analysis service and advises on the best possible process flow for maximum plant efficiency and turnover. This is a unique and customer-specific service.
Source: Dolphin Bay Chemicals