Sap staining fungi and mould are a costly problem in the wood processing industry. Left untreated, freshly cut wood is vulnerable to mould growth within 24 to 48 hours and discolouration from sapstain is noticeable within 5 to 6 days. Until steps are taken to effectively deal with the infection, the decay fungi will continue to grow and lower the grade yield of the wood, resulting in huge financial loss.
“Wood that has been tightly packed for delivery is susceptible to conditions such as heat, humidity and rain which contribute towards a moist environment that is perfect for mould-growing. Even kiln-dried wood is not exempt from mould growth if it becomes wet again. The most effective protection during storage and transit for the domestic and export markets, is the application of a short-term preventative treatment, such as Antiblu® 375,” said JJ du Plessis, senior business manager at LSI (trading as Arch Wood Protection South Africa).
Antiblu® 375 is a leading anti-sapstain treatment used throughout the global wood processing market to achieve safe, effective and cost-effective protection of timber and wood products. The easy-to-use formulation mixes readily with water and is applied to clean timber by using either a spray application, dip or vacuum / pressure impregnation. The active ingredient is a Copper-8-Quinolinolate compound, which rapidly fixes to the timber to provide fungicidal protection.
When applied according to specification and combined with good inventory control practices, Antiblu® 375 will improve the physical appearance and grade yield of wood. However, du Plessis emphasized that timing was the single most important component of this treatment to achieve bright and clean wood which is free from stain, mould or decay and therefore Antiblu® 375 must be applied as quickly as possible after felling.
He added that the period of protection and effectiveness will depend on a number of factors such as the concentration and application rate, moisture content in the wood, the type of wood product, stain or mould pre-infection and the severity of the environmental conditions.
Proven Product Performance
Antiblu® is recognised by global markets as a leading brand in exceptional stain and mould prevention in unseasoned timber. Backed by 30 years of experience, Antiblu® has a well-established history of successful sapstain control, when applied to standard in clean, freshly cut wood. It is suitable for use on products destined for either the domestic or export markets and is not intended for the long-term preservation of wood in the end-use situation. For more help on Arch Wood Protection products, please email or visit the website
Source: Arch Wood Protection