Ezigro Seedlings: Forestry and Clonal Updates
This past month saw many of South Africa’s forestry nurseries taking part in the Seedling Growers Association of SA (SGASA) symposium, which included visits to Sappi Ngodwana and Ezigro nurseries. SGASA is the body which regulates the audit standards for nurseries. The close collaboration and openness between the nurseries in SA continues to be a major strength for the forestry industry.
Ezigro has bulked up!
In a response to shortages in availability, Ezigro has added on additional tunnels over the last year increasing its production capacity of wattle clones and pine hybrids.
Wattle growers in particular are switching to clones from seedlings to mitigate the risk of rust and frost. This is also in consideration of the potential for rust to increase when drier conditions return to SA.
A reminder that the rust clones SP 644 and AF 01 should not be planted on frosty sites. The SP 644 however proving to exhibit more tolerance to cold.
JC 108 will be available in limited numbers this season.
Pruning: the wattle clones do branch early, an early prune within the first 18 months therefore recommended. However this should only be a corrective prune to around 30cm – 50cm.
Wattle and FABI Field Day!
Ezigro will be organising another wattle field day in the higheld for growers to revisit silviculture practices in August 2024. Please let Jordan Green (+27832121342) know if you would like to be notified when the date and venue has been finalised.
Pine Hybrids:
This last season we have seen more and more growers enquiring about pine hybrids.
P.Elliottii x caribaea var. hondurenses (PECH)
PECH is highly productive in SA’s warm temperate and subtropical zones, and generally planted up to 1,100 meters above sea level.
It offers moderate drought tolerance, excellent volume growth, medium–high density and Fusarium Circinatum tolerance.
P.patula x tecunumanii (high and low elevation)
Pat x Tec low has now become a top performing pine hybrid and being planted through the temperate areas up to an altitude of around 1200m above sea level. It offers excellent initial volume growth and moderate resistance to Fusarium Circinatum.
Grandis x Nitens
Eucalyptus Clones
Ezigro will have limited availability of these new clones this season.It is not recommended to plant GxN 350 on marginal sites, i.e. were the soil profile is less than 600mm, rainfall is less than 900mm, and they should not be planted below 1200m above sea level. GxN 311 will handle such sites better.
GL 222
Grandis x Longiostrata is a new option to plant in place of GxC’s, It is planted on the marginal, drier sites. Very limited stock available this season.