Please find below the above programme for the public hearings on Expropriation Without Compensation together with a message below received from Agri SA and a media statement issued by the Joint Constitution Review Committee.
Due to the enormous logistical challenges that are expected to be faced (722 000 written submissions have apparently been received and thousands of people are expected to turn up at the hearings), members wanting to speak at the various hearings will have to abide by the rules set by the Committee. These are given in Agri SA’s email below.
In order that members wanting to speak at the hearing all “speak from the same hymn sheet”, I have attached our FSA summission of EWC as guidance. I have also attached an interesting article on these hearings that appeared in todays Daily Maverick newspaper.
- Updated_CRC_Public_Hearings_Sec_25_2018_15062018-1
- FSA Submission to the CRC on Expropriation without Compensation
- SA gears up for public hearings on land
Forestry South Africa
Roger Godsmark
Operations Director
Tel :+27 33 346 0344