Please note that the Forestry Supervisor qualification has been registered with SAQA. SAFCA will be issuing, like we did with the Safety Officer qualification, a tender to start developing the training material.
The attached QAS addendum which is the last aspect in the qualification development phase (Phase 1), refers.
Purpose of the QAS Addendum
To ensure that:
- the external assessment measures occupational competence;
- the agreed external assessment model/strategy is feasible;
- there is focus on the appropriate cognitive levels.
To guide the:
- development of the external assessment tools;
- external assessment planning process.
Please send comments by the 7 September 2018.
Download the QAS Addendum document
Pamela Naidoo
Capacity Development Manager
South African Forestry Contractors Association
Suite 213, Private Bag X 6, Cascades, 3202
Tel: 033 3460329
E-mail: OR