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Post: The Winds of Change are blowing over the Skills Development Landscape in SA


The Winds of Change are blowing over the Skills Development Landscape in SA

The British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan made a speech to the Parliament of South Africa on 3 February 1960 in Cape Town, in which he remarked that “The winds of change are blowing in Africa”.

We are at such a point again in the world of Skills Development in South Africa. There is a huge change taking place with regard to the role of governing training and education. Until now, the SETA’s fulfilled the role of amongst other activities, registering and managing qualifications. This role is now moving over to the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO).

The Phasing out of the SETA Landscape
What we can say for certain at this stage, is what has been published by the QCTO, depicted graphically below in Fig 1:


This indicates that the sun is gradually setting on the training world as we know it, with the last date for final moderations etc being 30 June 2027. It suggests that those who are “in the system” can continue to do things in the “old SETA way” until 30 June 2027.

The Phasing in of the QCTO Landscape
With regard to the new world of the QCTO, facts and guidelines are emanating gradually. It seems like the following will be the typical flow of a project, as expressed in Fig 2:


With regard to the way forward, there seems to be two parallel journeys until 2027:

  1. Continue with SETA historical legacy qualifications, given the view expressed in figure 1 until 2027.
  2.  Start implementing QCTO qualifications now, as depicted in figure 2.


The Future of Learnerships and Other BEE Vehicles
According to the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 Art 12, a learnership is:

A SETA may establish a learnership if—

  1. the learnership consists of a structured learning component;
  2. the learnership includes practical work experience of a specified nature and duration;
  3. the learnership would lead to a qualification on the NQF registered by the South African Qualifications Authority and related to an occupation;
  4. and the intended learnership is registered with the Director-General in the prescribed manner”.

Based on this definition, the QCTO recognises multiple routes through which a learner can achieve an occupational qualification or part- qualification, of which a learnership is one.

The SARS incentive for Learnerships, as expressed through Art 12H, has a sunset date of 30 April 2024. It is widely accepted that there will not be an extension of this incentive, but until further notice, normal practice is being applied.

This means that companies will still be able to run learnerships for their BEE programmes, with the proviso that these learnerships are registered by the QCTO. See the list of qualifications currently registered at the QCTO here: https://www.qcto.org.za/learnerships.html

Skills College is Positioned to assist with QCTO Qualifications
In preparing ourselves for this pivot in roles and processes, we have consulted widely, including our B-BBEE Consultant partners. We are comfortable that we can assist our clients to chart a course in these uncertain times; we shall continue to collaborate with our consultants and clients to maximise their B-BBEE Skills Development Expenditure scorecard points and associated benefits.

We look forward to our next interaction during which we can explore the best way forward for you, based on your particular environment and needs!

Then we can harness the winds of change for your benefit!

Source: Skills College


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  • Afrequip
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  • FABI
  • Foresta Timber & Board
  • FSC
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  • John Deere
  • Khulani Timber Industries
  • Kwamahlati Training Services
  • LESH
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  • Those who grow alone, die alone: why transformation is strategic for the MTO Group
  • NCT
  • Novelquip Forestry
  • Pangolin
  • Patula Risk
  • Ponsse
  • Rance Timbers
  • Sappi
  • Saw Specialists
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The Winds of Change are blowing over the Skills Development Landscape in SA

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